8 Ocak 2016 Cuma

How to install mikoomi plugin of mongodb on the zabbix server

Mongodb mikoomi plugin installation

I used template of mikoomi server side ;
I tested of mongo db 3.0.7 and it works .


Setup and Configuration

The MongoDB plugin uses the MongoDB PHP driver which needs to be installed on the Zabbix server. For this, install and setup the following packages:
  • php5-dev (or php5-devel) = Files for PHP5 module development
  • php5-pear = PEAR - PHP Extension and Application Repository
  • gcc = GNU C Compiler
  • make = make utility
To install the above on a Zabbix appliance, login into the appliance as root (default password = zabbix) and run the following commands:
  • yast -i php5-devel
  • yast -i gcc
  • yast -i php5-pear
  • yast -i make
Now install the php MongoDB driver using the instructions at http://us2.php.net/manual/en/mongo.installation.php
In the case of the Zabbix appliance, run the the following pecl command:
  • pecl install mongo
After successful installation of the MongoDB driver, you need to "enable" it within php5. Edit the two files /etc/php5/cli/php.ini and /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and add a line to the "Dynamic Extensions" sections as shown below.
; Dynamic Extensions ;

Ensure that the php MongoDB driver is setup and configured properly by testing out one of the sample php programs for MongoDB driver (http://us2.php.net/manual/en/mongo.tutorial.php).
Dowload template and script files;
[root@zabbix ~]# grep ExternalScripts /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf
You have to Change to mikoomi of shell script file of about the externalscirpt .
And all of scripts are download at the externalscirpt directory.
And delete the word of "shift" . If you don't delete, your script doesn't work.
Next open up a browser and download the MongoDB Zabbix template. Now login to the Zabbix frontend (user = admin, password = zabbix).
Navigate as follows:
  • Configuration >> Templates
  • Click on the "Import Template" button on the top right-hand corner
  • In the "Import file" dialog box, browse/search/enter the filename of the Zabbix template that was downloaded
  • Upload the template
Now you are ready to start monitoring your MongoDB servers !
If you have any question please leave comments.